Wandering Around Out There With A Canoe On My Head

Remote Work In Italy, Day 26: Touring the Quattro Canti

by Preston
February 8, 2022

Today was a big work day, so not much time for pictures. But, I did manage to get to another Arab-Norman site, San Giovanni degli Eremiti. Also, because of the late night, I found myself at the Quattro Canti while it was quiet enough to take a video there. Most of the time, anyway. The Quattro Canti, or four corners, is the center of old Palermo, with each corner sculpted to symbolize the influences of the city’s culture.

And my apologies to Saint Rosalia. I keep calling her “Rosalita”. I don’t know why I got that stuck in my head.

Anyone out there on TikTok? It’d be hilarious to find the two guys that I saw dancing. Get on that, internet.

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