Wandering Around Out There With A Canoe On My Head


How do you manage a dog on a canoe trip?

I have to ask. How do you manage a dog on a canoe trip? What do you do with him at night; tie him outside, bring him in the tent?

Easy Peasy Kawartha Highlands

TJ asks…. T.J.   Hi ya! I’m contemplating my first solo (plus canine) canoe camping trip in Kawartha Highlands. Have […]

Would Like To Canoe Jordan Harbour

Happy Spring Preston. Just wondering if you would have any info… We would like to canoe in Jordan Harbour…

Hoping to find Carmichael’s rock

Hi. Next week, my daughter, friend and her daughter are headed to KPP, Murray/Grace area, and we are hoping to find Carmichael’s rock…

Why Two Collars for Nancy?

Hi Preston, Just wondering why Nancy always has two collars on, I thought it was perhaps just when you went away.. would love to know..🙂

Dog Surgery Advice

Hi – this is a bit random, but i found out that my dog, Daisy, needs surgery for a torn ACL. A few months ago I recall reading some posts that you made about Nancy, and I think she had surgery for the same thing. I was curious if you had any tips or advice?

Opinion on the Swift Keewaydin

Hello.. I just wanted to get your opinion on the Swift Keewaydin 16 or 17 as a tripping canoe for my wife and I?

Top 10 Tips I Forget Not Everyone Knows

Quite regularly, I forget how much time I spend camping, canoeing and portaging compared to most other people. I want […]

BioLite Campstove

“Did you also bring you’re BioLite?” “No, because I figured you would.” — A conversation I had 3 times this […]

On Barrel Packs

Barrel packs are a relatively new phenomenon, compared to canoe packs, wanigans and such, but they’ve become an extremely popular choice among […]

Fire Bans July 2012

This weekend (July 20th, 2012) there is currently a Fire Ban in many Ontario Provincial Parks – or what the […]

Going Solo In a Tandem Canoe

Paddling by yourself in a canoe meant for two can be relatively easy on a flat lake on a calm […]

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Preston and Nancy the dog pose with a Paddle in the Park Contest paddle
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